Toshiba VRF and Digital to BACnet MSTP-1 (IU)

Part No: INBACTOS001R100

£227.00 excl. VAT

The Toshiba-BACnet gateway allows fully bi-directional communication between Toshiba VRF and Digital Air Conditioner units and BACnet MSTP networks.


  • BTL mark ensures full interoperability with BACnet devices.
  • Support only BACnet MS/TP.
  • Configuration from onboard DIP-switches.
  • Quick and easy installation (plug and set the DP-SW).
  • External power not required.
  • Simultaneous control of the AC unit by the manufacturer’s remote controller and BACnet MS/TP.
  • Reduced dimensions 93 x 53 x 58 mm.
  • Mountable on DIN rail, wall, or even inside the indoor unit in some models of AC.
  • Abstraction of Air Conditioning unit properties and functionalities as fixed BACnet Objects.
  • Occupancy function allows energy savings. Costs related to HVAC systems in a building are one of the highest and this type of functions allow to reduce them.
  • Total control and monitoring of the AC unit from BACnet, including AC unit’s internal variables, running hours counter (for filter maintenance control) and error indication.

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Additional information

Weight 1160 g
Dimensions 140 × 110 × 85 mm
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